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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Easy money 3

In the third part of the Adsense article I will summarize what we have discussed until now.
1. While it makes it easy to make some change, making big money with Adsense requires a lot of effort especially if you are still somewhat new to the Internet scene.
2. Steer clear of the Google Adsense "Get rich overnight" - guru e books. Because trust that's mostly how those people got rich overnight: scamming poor suckers with promises of riches. However you may want to get one of those e books but only if they are free. They may not get you that promised income, but they are full of tiny bits of advice that I'm sure you did not know, that can help you in the long run.
3. Do not cheat. In their Terms of Agreement, Google has a very comprehensive list on what will get you jettisoned into "the void of noAdsense".
4. Use Blogger to apply for Adsense since this makes the approval process a lot shorter.
5. Build a content rich site in order to build a fan-base. Fans mean traffic, traffic means clicks, clicks mean Ka-ching.
6. Use your keywords wisely. The aforementioned fan-base will not click on bungee-jumping ads posted on a site about How to have a safe life.

Ok so that's a wrap. In a future post I will talk about other money making schemes/opportunities online.

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